Ramon Ayala's Birthday Bash!
Ramon Ayala's Birthday Bash!
Door: 8:00 PM
Prices: {{ event.priceLevels | ticketPrice }}
Artist(s) At This Event:
{{ event.artists | artists }}
Age Restrictions:
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Venue & Event Info:
This is a partially seated event, with tables and VIP Pews. Pews are available in groups of (8), and Tables in groups of (4). DOORS: 8:00PM SHOW: 9:00PM LINEUP: Ramon Ayala Ramon Ayala, Jr. DJ Machelin THIS IS AN ALL AGES EVENT. FOR PRICING AND AVAILABILITY PLEASE CALL THE HOUSE OF BLUES BOX OFFICE DIRECTLY AT 714-778-BLUE (2583) Small personal cameras are allowed in the venue. Commercial photography, flash photography, professional cameras and recording devices are not permitted. Restricted items include (but are not limited to) the following: Drugs or drug paraphernalia, illegal substances, eCigs, weapons of any kind (includes pocket knives, pepper spray, fireworks, etc). No chains, sharp objects (pins, needles etc.) No spiked shoes/boots No eye drops, medication must have labels (I.D. must match name on label) No sharpies or markers All other questionable items are subject to HOB management discretion.
Pass the Line:
Special Offers:
Foundation Room: