Kirk Franklin Presents Gospel Brunch (CHI)
Kirk Franklin Presents Gospel Brunch (CHI)
Door Open: 10:00 AM
Prices: {{ event.priceLevels | ticketPrice }}
Artist(s) At This Event:
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Venue & Event Info:
Grammy-Award winning star Kirk Franklin is joining forces with House of Blues as part of its' year-long 20th Anniversary Celebration to produce a dazzling transformation of Gospel Brunch, the club's legendary dining and live music show. With Kirk Franklin's hand-picked performers showcasing explosive energy, contemporary music and spectacular new cuisine, it's an unforgettable spectacle of great tunes and tastes. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the IHOBF, providing arts and music support to underserved youth. For more information on how your proceeds are being used, please visit For more information on how your proceeds are being used, please visit click here»


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