In For A Penny
In For A Penny
Door: 10:00 PM
Prices: {{ event.priceLevels | ticketPrice }}
Artist(s) At This Event:
{{ event.artists | artists }}
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Venue & Event Info:

Haven't had enough of Dropkick Murphys? Don't miss the Irish Folk Punk band, In For A Penny, come rock the after party at the House of Blues Resturant! This after party is sponsored by Jameson.

Based in Savannah, Georgia, In For A Penny brings their folk punk twist to your favorite traditional Celtic tunes, as well as some rowdy original material to the dirty south, and beyond. Foot stompin’, beer drinkin’ music, with the odd 80’s pop cover thrown in, just because every loves them and nobody else plays them. You do not want to miss this rowdy event!

Join us forthe perfect night caps on our cocktails list like an Insane Hurricane or an Adult Rootbeer Float. Check our website calendar for our weekly specials!


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